Beseda is a Czechoslovak-Australian Association of Canberra and Region, Inc., Australia.
The club’s main activity is to organise and host cultural, social and sporting activities, including Czech and Slovak language classes, in an endeavour to revive and maintain the languages, cultural heritage and national traditions of the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
The club also creates opportunities to get together and socialise for both members of the Czech and Slovak communities, as well as anyone else interested in Czech and Slovak language, heritage and culture.

Beseda Committee 2024/2025
President: Mr Milan Bušek
Vice President & Czech School: Ms Daniela Wadey
Secretary: Ms Adela Clausen
Treasurer: Ms Jana Englerová
Assistant treasurer: Mr Tony Vincenc
Public Officer & Editor: Mr Mr Marek Tuhý
Librarian & Facebook: Ms Veronika Kůrková
Committee Members:
Member – Mr Emil Hovanec
Member – Mr Jiří George Skočilas
Club building

Social and cultural activities are held in the club building in Queanbeyan. There is a library with over 2000 Czech and Slovak books and a cozy reading room. Films are shown on a super-screen in the hall, featuring a small stage and very good acoustics, enjoyed by visiting performing artists.
The first floor hosts a club room for more minor group activities, e. g. talks on various topics, wine and cheese tastings, or library meetings.
Two rooms on the upper floor are also dedicated Czech and Slovak school classrooms.
Activities at Beseda include
- Cultural events
- Czech and Slovak language classes
- Table tennis evenings/tournaments
- Social activities (indoors/outdoors)
- Library with Czech and Slovak books
- Movie afternoons
- Exhibitions
- Sport afternoons

Beseda was founded by a group of Czechoslovak migrants living in Australia since the early fifties last century. When another wave of refugees arrived in Australia after the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Warsaw Pact armies in August 1968 they decided to establish an organisation that would bring together all people of Czechoslovak origin or descent and their friends interested in mutual friendship.

The club’s main activity back in the day was helping newcomers orient themselves in an unknown world—finding a place to live, looking for employment, and assisting them in contacting authorities. Beseda also pursued cultural, social, and sporting activities in an endeavor to revive and maintain the languages, cultural heritage, and national traditions of the old country and familiarise themselves with the cultural and ethnic heritage of Australia.
By the time the Association officially registered in January 1972, a monthly magazine Beseda was already distributed to all compatriots. During the next years, Beseda continued in the initial activities and members also founded a dance group. In close cooperation with Czechoslovak groups in Sydney, theatre performances and celebrations of memorable anniversaries came to fruition. Because of Canberra‘s population, Beseda had about 160 members; presently there are around 140 members. After a short pause, the magazine has been issued again since 1994 regularly with an improved appearance.
Social and cultural activities were held in the Polish community’s club facilities, and since March 2000, Beseda has had its clubhouse; it was officially opened on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of T. G. Masaryk‘s birthday. Finances for purchasing the building were provided by collecting over several years into a Building fund; almost all interior refurbishment was done by the voluntary work of dedicated members.