Beseda’s Czech-Slovak Camp
Expression of Interest

When: Term 4, Friday 19 November 2021 – Sunday 21 November 2021
How Long:  
3 days / 2 nights in tent/cabin accommodation
BIG 4 Bungalow Park at Burrill lake
Cost:  Approximately $50/Student 
(This is our current best estimate, a finalised cost will be provided closer to the date)
Organised by: Beseda and the Czech school of Canberra

The camp will be filled with with Czech and Slovak Language lessons centred around a camp theme of “Travelling around Czechoslovakian castles and châteaux”

A deposit of $50 is required to reserve your child’s place at the camp. 
Please make a bank deposit to the account:
Name: Beseda
BSC: 062 908
Acc 00800218
Description: child’s name CAMP 2021

It is preferable for parents to accompany their children. All costs associated with the parents’ stay will be paid for by parents themselves.

Beseda’s Czech-Slovak Camp
Expression of Interest

Yes, I would like my child to attend Beseda’s Czech-Slovak Camp
Yes, I have paid a $50 deposit to reserve my child’s place on the camp

    Parent/Carer's details:

    Name (required):

    Phone (required):

    Email (required):

    I will accompany my child:

    Child's details:

    Full name (required):

    Child's Age (required):

    Add another student
    [group student-2]

    Second child's details:

    Full name (required):

    Child's Age (required):

    Add another student

    [group student-3]

    Third child's details:

    Full name (required):

    Child's Age (required):

    Add another student

    [group student-4]

    Fourth child's details:

    Full name (required):

    Child's Age (required):


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