Czech Cooking Lesson – Garlic Soup

Klasická česneková polévka / Classic Czech Garlic Soup

Czech Garlic Soup, aka Česnečka or Hangover Soup, is regarded as a cure for all ailments, including the common cold and of course hangovers. It boasts garlic, potatoes, and crunchy rye bread croutons!

Domácí česnekačka

Postup přípravy:

Do vody dáme vařit na kostky nakrájené brambory, přidáme kmín, bujón a prolisovaný česnek. Mezitím si nakrájíme slaninu na droboučké kostičky, rozehřejeme na pánvi a přidáme nakrájenou klobásku, chvíli restujeme, pak vše vlijeme do polévky, dochutíme.

Až jsou brambory měkké, rozklepneme vejce a rozmícháme. Při podávání posypeme pórkem, nastrouhaným sýrem a opečeným chlebem.

Suroviny (jedna porce):

  • 1 střední brambora
  • 1 malá klobása (100 g) nebo uzené maso
  • 1 plátek slaniny
  • 1 celý česnek
  • 500 ml zeleninového nebo hovězího bujónu
  • špetka kmínu
  • 1 vejce
  • 50 g nastrouhaného sýra
  • pórek
  • 1 krajíc opečeného chleba

Homemade Czech Garlic Soup

Preparation process:

Boil diced potatoes in water, add caraway seeds, broth and crushed garlic. Meanwhile, cut the bacon into tiny cubes, heat in a pan and add the chopped sausage, fry for a while, then pour everything into the soup, season it.

When the potatoes are soft, beat the eggs and stir. When serving, sprinkle with leeks and grated cheese and toasted bread.

Ingredients (1 portion):

  • 1 medium size
  • 1 small (100 g) sausage or smoked meat
  • 1 slice of bacon (smoked even better 🙂
  • 1 whole garlic
  • 500 ml vegetable or beef broth
  • pinch of caraway seeds
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g piece of cheese (cheddar or blue cheese or parmesan ..all goes well)
  • Leek
  • 1 slice of toasted sourdough bread
  • Salt & pepper

Click on the picture to play the Zoom Video recording of the cooking lesson

A few moments from the ZOOM cooking lesson

Czech Cooking Lessons series – content

Czech Garlic Soup, aka Česnečka or Hangover Soup, is regarded as a cure for all ailments, including the common cold and of course hangovers. It boasts garlic, potatoes, and crunchy rye bread croutons!
Knedlíky are traditional Czech dumplings which use a dough similar to bread dough. They’re boiled and sliced, and served with a variety of traditional Czech dishes. If you enjoy Czech food, you’ll definitely need to learn how to make this authentic recipe!
Obložené Chlebíčky are small open-faced appetizer sandwiches featuring assorted eggs, meats, cheeses, and vegetables and are meant to be eaten in a few small bites.
Svíčková na smetaně, the queen of Czech sauces. This creamy sauce is popular among Czechs, but it’s also typical food that everybody should try while visiting the Czech Republic.

Lekce českého vaření s Vítkem pro starší a pokročilé

Pro spokojené a aktivní seniory

4 lekce od 15. do 16:30 hod.:
28.8., 25.9., 23.10. a 27.11. 2021

Naučte se něco nového o české kuchyni a vaření, vyzkoušejte lahodná jídla ve čtyřech 1,5 hodinových lekcích s Vítkem.

Vítek je profesionální kuchař z České republiky, který s vášní učí ostatní vařit česká jídla.

V každé lekci se naučíte jiné české jídlo:

Klasická česneková polévka – 1. lekce 28.8.2021
Jak dělat české knedlíky – 2. lekce 25.9.2021
Chlebíčky / jednohubky – 3. lekce 23.10.2021
Česká klasika Svíčková – 4. lekce 27.11.

Registrace na Eventbrite, vstupné $15

Czech Cooking Lessons for SENIORS with Vít

Happy, Healthy, and Connected SENIORS

4 Lessons 3-4.30 pm:
Aug 28, Sep 25, Oct 23 and Nov 27 2021

4 x 1.5 hr lessons, in each lesson you will earn to cook one Czech classic meal.

Learn about Czech food, cooking, and try delicious meals in these 1.5 hour long lessons with Vít, who is a professional chef from the Czech republic, passionate about teaching others how to cook Czech food.

Each lesson’s date features a different recipe:

Classic Czech Garlic Soup – Lesson 1 Aug 28 2021
How to make Czech Dumplings – Lesson 2 Sep 25 2021
Finger food / Canapes – Lesson 3 Oct 23 2021
Czech Classic ‘Svíčková‘ – Lesson 4 Nov 27

Register on Eventbrite entry 15$

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